A very clever idea, indeed.
When you’re living the really good stuff, your senses take over. You know the stuff: it’s piano chords, a hug you’ve been waiting so long to give, and time with old friends. It’s the moments that get to just be moments, with no fuss. It’s when life just… flows.
We all deserve more of that. And we’re in the business of making those moments a little less rare and a little more delightful.
Why rum? Because we loved making it so much, we couldn’t imagine not sharing it. And because we happen to think it’s always the perfect shortcut to making memories.
For those who do entirely too much doing and entirely too little being, he’s a reminder that the clever-est thing of all is to live life with just the right amount of both.
Favorite activity: giving a good, strong tail shimmy. Favorite question: “Why not?”

What sort of people would create such a thing? The kind who spend vacations touring distilleries, go to bartending school on the weekends, and generally drink in all the whimsy life affords us. We found our passion and bottled it, and we’re always learning how to get a little better at bringing well-crafted, ultra-premium rum to every glass.

You’ll probably notice “imperfections” in the glass when you bring Clever Fox home. Bubbles, color tints, that sort of thing. That’s because we use 100% post-consumer recycled glass — a big leap above the 30% you’ll find in most mainstream “recycled glass.”
Imperfections give that glass a second life, and we think that’s much clever-er than letting it languish in a landfill.
You’ll also notice that we don’t bother with labels, because paper waste seemed foolish to us, too. Instead, we worked hard to develop a design that can be screen-printed and reused hundreds of times.
One more thing: We’re currently developing a buy-back program for the bottles to reduce our impact even further. If you know someone who’s mastered this and might be able to help, please do send us a message. Not thinking of something that’s already been thought of is always a good idea.